Tell us about yourself & A+F Recruitment

I grew up in West Cork and live by the water a few kilometers outside Kinsale. I live here with my wife and 3 children and we love the coastal lifestyle. Whether it’s kayaking, swimming, surfing, sailing or walking on the beach we are on or near the water a few days every week. 

I joined A+F in 2023, after a spell in inhouse recruitment at Amazon. My agency recruitment career goes back to 2016 and has always focused on the Accountancy Practice & Tax market and I’m continuing that here at A+F Recruitment.

Tell us about your background?

After school I had no idea what career path I wanted to take. I studied Business and then Politics & Geography. Through my Masters I connected with a company that administered European Grants to local communities and small businesses. I had 5 fantastic years there and developed a real skill in connecting people with shared ideas together. 

How did you get into recruitment?

When I decided I wanted to move into a commercial role, I met with a few recruitment agencies to see what opportunities were available. They obviously saw that I enjoyed connecting with people and that I was really keen to achieve something in my career, because every agency I met asked if I’d be interested in recruitment! I took a chance with a big player and the rest is history. 

How has your background helped you in your role?

Recruiting in Practice & Tax is all about building trust with people, and connecting them with people who can help them achieve their goals. Learning to research complex topics, keep an open mind, listen actively and act quickly are all skills I learned in my studies and in my career. Having been a job seeker, a candidate, hired my own team and recruited in house I also have huge empathy for clients and candidates going through the process. 

Why did you choose to join A+F Recruitment?

The people and the brand positioning. I was looking for a good team, with a simple  structure and an edge in the market to build on. I met Tanya Thomas and Francis Mulcahy and came away with a very good impression. They’re exactly the same to work with as they were in the interview and we have an excellent team delivering a really high quality service. 

What do you like about your role?

We’re in the business of filling jobs and the best moments are when a candidate accepts an offer. I love working with clients on an ongoing basis and building a strong understanding to the point where I’m almost their inhouse recruiter. I spend way more time speaking with my clients than my colleagues, so it’s great when we have a strong business relationship. We deal with people at a very stressful time in their careers – job changing isn’t easy – so it’s always a rewarding experience to help someone through the decision making process and make it as stress free as I can. 

What makes you stay in A+F Recruitment?

There’s definitely a feeling of having the wind at your back working here. Recruitment is full of ups and downs, so having a leadership that is genuinely interested in setting every team up for success is hugely motivating. 

What makes A+F Recruitment Unique?

The goal stays the same, but there is huge flexibility in how to get there. I’ve tested lots of things since joining 

What is your favourite mantra?

“You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.” from Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!. That, and “Carpe Diem”, because the past is gone and the future hasn’t arrived, so just focus on the present 🙂. 

Fun fact about you? 

I always mix my cereals. 3-6 in the bowl together. I thought that was common until I worked in an office with 50 people and not one other person mixed theirs. Are you a mixer??

Where would we find you when you are not recruiting?

Over the Winter, evenings and weekends are all about our children’s sports and clubs. I squeeze in badminton 2 nights a week and the occasional 6 aside game of soccer. In summer, I’m kayaking in the estuary or out in the garden or down on the beach.