Tell us about yourself & A+F Recruitment

I hail from the Midlands, from a town called Athlone, perched on the river Shannon. Although, at this stage of my life, I could probably call myself a Dub! I have spent most of my adult life living in Dublin, my parents are Dubs, my grandparents were Dubs, my husband is Dub and all my children are Dubs so I think that makes me an honorary Dub.

I live in Castleknock, right beside the Phoenix Park, am married, with 3 fantastic boys!

I joined A+F Recruitment 5 years ago. Actually, back in 2019 when I started, I joined under the Capital Markets brand with the aim of growing and expanding the accounting & finance offering in Ireland and Europe. Along with the lovely Tanya Thomas, we then went on to establish the stand alone A+F Recruitment brand, the 6th recruitment brand under the Vertical Markets Group umbrella.

Tell us about your background?

My background is actually in languages and linguistics. After school I completed a Degree in Spanish & French and went on to do a Masters in International Marketing. After working for over a year in a graduate Marketing job in Dublin, I went traveling to Spain and it was when I returned that I entered into the world of recruitment where I have been ever since (with the exception of a 6 year career break)!

How did you get into recruitment?

Many moons ago, I spent a summer in the UK working as an Administrator in a Recruitment firm in Reading. It was back in the day when people posted in their CV’s to recruiters (I’m showing my age now!). In this job I was responsible for reviewing all CV’s that came in and matching their experience to the relevant areas within the consultancy. I loved reviewing the various skill sets and matching them to jobs and I guess that’s where my initial intro to recruitment came from. Fast forward a number of years later,  I answered a job advert in the Irish Times for Trainee Recruitment Consultant with a well-known recruitment brand and the rest is history!!

How has your background helped you in your role?

For me recruitment is all about people. Listening to and understanding their needs. I like to think I am a people person. I love meeting people of different backgrounds. Having lived abroad during and after university and in my adult life with my children, I feel that the ability to meet new people, be adaptable and embrace new situations has helped me. I also enjoy the business/ commercial side of things and recruitment has allowed me to blend these two areas.   

Why did you choose to join A+F Recruitment?

When I joined VMG (at the time, A+F Recruitment hadn’t been born), I was coming off the back of a 6 year career break. We had been living abroad for a number of years and I had just had my third boy. I was a returning Mum, having not worked in recruitment for 6 years and I was looking to return on a 3 day week, a big enough ask! But none of the above were blockers for the hiring managers which, for me, was extremely refreshing. They 100% believed in me, my past experience and my ability to settle back into the working world on my terms. I knew pretty quickly that they were the company for me. They were my kind of people.

What do you like about your role?

I have always loved the 360 element of recruitment, managing a recruitment process from beginning to end. To this day, I still get excited when I get to call a candidate that I’ve been working with to tell them they are the chosen person for the job or equally letting a client know that I have met with someone who I feel will be an excellent fit for their team. 

What makes you stay in A+F Recruitment?

100% because of the people and what they stand for. At A&F you are not just a number, you are valued for your input, your work, your opinions and ideas. The company offers great career opportunities and rewards for their staff. You are always encouraged. 

The internal company culture is second to none. It is open, honest and fair. The kind of values we in turn like to offer our clients and candidates. 

What makes A+F Recruitment Unique?

As a group, it offers Consultants, Managers and Directors full autonomy to run our own areas. The company is constantly evolving and there is a culture of openness, accountability and respect. They invest in their people and there are no limits. 

I have never dreaded a day coming into work at A&F or the wider Vertical Markets Group and to me that speaks volumes.  

What is your favourite mantra?

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind” 😊 and “Go with your gut!” I genuinely feel that 99% of the time your gut is right.

Fun fact? 

When we lived in Jamaica, we lived next door to Usain Bolt and Sean Paul!

Where would we find you when you are not recruiting?

Well at this stage of my life, my weekends are not my own so you’ll find me at the side of a rugby, GAA or soccer pitch! However, when the sporting season dies down you’ll find me on a golf course, cooking in my kitchen and drinking a nice glass of wine. Doesn’t get much better than that 😊